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- Mathematics
At Barrow Hedges we believe that in order to be successful mathematicians, children must develop a deep conceptual understanding of number. We know this starts from a very young age, and that the building blocks for complex maths reasoning are generally developed in EYFS. It is vital that during their time in Nursery and Reception children develop a deep understanding of number as research shows that early maths skills are one of the strongest predictors of later academic achievement.
Please look at our EYFS Number Foundations document below for ideas on how to develop children’s early maths skills at home.
We encourage parents to play an active role in supporting their child through their mathematical journey. In order to learn, it is vital that children have a positive mindset in maths. To best support your child at home, please see our calculation policies below. These have been devised to meet requirements of the National Curriculum for the teaching and learning of mathematics, and are also designed to give pupils a consistent and smooth progression of learning in calculations across the school.
At Barrow Hedges, we aim for children to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of maths, and want to give pupils the best chances of mastering maths. To find out in more detail about how we teach for mastery, click here.
Please click on the Mathletics and Arithmetic tabs below to find out how we develop children's fluency with number facts, mental calculations and times tables.
We regularly assess children to track their progress towards meeting the end of year expected standards (see NC Maths Key Objectives below). This enables teachers to identify and target gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding, and consider carefully what gaps, barriers or misconceptions children may have. Termly assessments are shared with parents and carers at our parent teacher consultation evenings so that they are aware of the skills their children are able to apply and areas for development.
To see which key skills are taught in each year group and how the skills progress from EYFS to Year 6, please click here. Alternatively, you can find the document at the bottom of this page (titled: Subject Skills Progression - Maths).
Mrs R Ward is the Subject Leader for Mathematics.
Our Maths Learning Culture
At Barrow Hedges, we teach a Mastery Curriculum of maths. Lessons are broken down into small connected steps that gradually unfold a concept, providing access for all children and leading to the ability to apply this concept to a range of contexts.
Maths teaching for mastery rejects the idea that some children 'just can't do maths' and all pupils are encouraged by the belief that working hard at maths they can succeed. Significant time is spent developing deep knowledge of the key ideas that are needed to underpin future learning. The structure and connections within the mathematics are emphasised, so that children develop deep learning that can be sustained.
Please see the What does Maths Mastery look like at Barrow Hedges? below for a more detailed overview of our key principles.
Examples of the types of problems that children will come across can be found in the Mastery Questions, Tasks and Activities below and can be worked through at home.
Our mathematical culture underpins this aim, by outlining the qualities that we value in our mathematicians. By promoting these qualities, we are encouraging children to see mathematics as both a logical and creative subject.
We want children to take risks, make mistakes and feel challenged in their learning journeys. This is all part of building learning power in mathematics:
- Risk Taking - having a growth mindset, enjoying challenges and learning from mistakes, reflecting on learning and using vocabulary like “I can’t do that yet…”
- Resilience – working logically, controlling negative emotions, trying different approaches and using resources available to problem solve
- Reciprocity- we encourage children to work collaboratively, explaining their reasoning and learning in groups of their peers
We also aim to create a balance of fluency in number skills, gained through Arithmetic and Mathletics.
At Barrow Hedges, we want to ensure that pupils are equipped with strong arithmetical foundations to support them in becoming confident mathematicians. Three times a week, time is allocated to arithmetic, where children are taught key arithmetic skills for their year group, outlined in the attachment 'End of year fluency expectations by year group' below. Generic arithmetic skills, such as choosing an appropriate mental or written strategy for a calculation, using estimating and rounding to support calculations, and checking answers for accuracy and reasonableness are also taught during these sessions.
In addition to this, each Friday, children in Years 2 to 6 are tested on their arithmetic skills to provide practice in working within a time frame. These are ideal for regular arithmetic skills as well as providing a context for children to demonstrate the skills covered in their arithmetic sessions.
Maths Workshops
To find out more about the Mastery approach and how Maths is taught at Barrow Hedges, click on the video below to watch a Maths workshop delivered by our Maths Leader, Mrs Ward.
Click here to view the accompanying slides for the Maths Workshop.
Please watch the year group videos, which explain how to teach a key concept for that year group, to gain ideas on how to support your children at home with their Maths learning.
Unfortunately, the animations do not work on recorded videos, so we have also included the accompanying slides for each workshop, so that you can play these yourselves.