Cirrus Primary Academy Trust
Barrow hedges primary school 21

Our Vision and Values

Our Vision

Every child thriving every day. 

Our Mission

At Barrow Hedges we believe that there is no limit to what our pupils can achieve. We nurture the potential talents of each child in our Barrow Hedges family. Through high aspiration and by inspiring a love of learning, in an exceptional environment, our pupils leave us ready to make a valued contribution to society. 


Our Core Values 







Our Guiding Principles

  • To develop children who have a broad range of experiences and a thirst for learning through an exceptional curriculum. 
  • Our children will be resilient, resourceful, reflective and learn to collaborate effectively.  
  • Our children will have a strong moral compass with a positive attitude towards others. 
  • We will provide a high quality, coherent, broad and balanced curriculum for 3 to 11 year olds which is delivered and supported by excellent teaching and learning and a wealth of wider opportunities. 
  • We seek to ensure that our children are adaptable and willing to take risks and so are well prepared to succeed in our ever-changing society. 
  • We seek to be first class with excellent leadership, well-qualified and knowledgeable staff who are dedicated to improvement and innovation. 
  • We are united in our aspirations for children and are dedicated to ensuring staff are equipped to meet the differing needs of any learner.  
  • We strive to provide a stimulating, nurturing environment in which to learn, work and play safely. 
  • As part of a multi academy trust, we work within a culture of collaboration and see parents, carers and others in the local community as integral to the life of the school. 
  • We will ensure that our resources are managed efficiently and deployed where they give maximum benefit to the children.


Our Motto

Roots to grow, wings to fly.