Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Reception Prospective Parents: School Tours 2024 / 2025

We are delighted that you have shown an interest in visiting Barrow Hedges. Please find below the dates for our tours for prospective parents along with the link to an online form for booking your place. Your visit to the school will last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes and consists of a talk from the Headteacher in our hall (approximately 30 minutes) followed by a walk around the school in groups led by the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or another senior leader (approximately 45 minutes). Our Trust Admissions Officer, Mrs Tilleray, is also in attendance to answer any questions about the admissions/application process.

This session is not appropriate for young children to attend, so we would appreciate efforts made to secure alternative childcare. Thank you for your support and understanding with this.

Please note, the school entrance is located on Harbury Road. 

Wednesday. 9th October 2024 at 9:30am

To book onto this tour, please complete this form:

Tuesday, 15th October at 1:30pm

To book onto this tour, please complete this form:

Monday, 11th November at 1:30pm

To book onto this tour, please complete this form:

Monday, 18th November at 9:30am

To book onto this tour, please complete this form:

Friday, 10th January at 9:30am

To book onto this tour, please complete this form:


Please be aware, that the online form for each tour will close the day before at 3:00pm.