Cirrus Primary Academy Trust

Gifted & Talented

Gifted and Talented Provision at Barrow Hedges Primary School

In order to provide a fully inclusive curriculum and environment, Barrow Hedges ensures that suitable provision is made for the most able, gifted and talented children, giving them opportunities to extend their thinking, skills and knowledge.


Definition of Gifted & Talented

Though many varying definitions exist, at Barrow Hedges, a child is defined as ‘gifted’ if they have the capability to make exceptional progress in one or more academic subject, including Reading, Writing, Maths, Science, History, Geography or French. A child who is defined as ‘talented’ will have the capability to make exceptional progress in a practical subject, including art, music and Physical Education.


Identification of Gifted & Talented

Children will be identified as ‘gifted’ or ‘talented’ by their class teacher, or by other adults who teach particular subjects, for example music or physical education. A range of strategies is used for identifying a child who falls into this category, including classroom behaviour, test scores and teacher assessment. There are a number of factors that may lead to the decision to add a child to the ‘Gifted and Talented register’. There are also a number of children who may display some signs that they are ‘gifted’ or ‘talented’, though they have not yet been added to the register; these children will be closely monitored by their class teacher. Please see the Inclusion Policy for further information on identification of Gifted and Talented children (link to policy)


Provisional Arrangements for Gifted & Talented 

Once a child has been identified as ‘gifted’ or ‘talented’, the Gifted & Talented Leader will consult with the Inclusion leader and the class teacher about the specific needs of this child. They will then consider, using a range of research, what extra provision will be provided for this child. This may include provision in class, relevant interventions or extra-curricular activities. The range of extra enrichment opportunities offered to Gifted, Talented and More Able children includes School Band, Debating Club, a variety of sporting events, and the list is ever growing.