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Stop Press!

We're thrilled to confirm that our Ofsted report has been published - Outstanding in all areas!

Stop Press!

We are thrilled to confirm that we have been awarded the Inclusion Quality Mark. Go to our Inclusion page to read our report.

Stop Press!

We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the Quality Mark Gold for History following an assessment carried out by the Historical Association on 7th February 2023.

Barrow Hedges Primary School

Building Learning Power (BLP)

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Building Learning Power

Alongside the academic skills taught at Barrow Hedges, we also ensure we teach children the skills they need to become a life-long learner. We aim to promote a culture in the classroom, and across the school, which fosters positive learning habits and attitudes thus allowing children to face challenges and decisions confidently and creatively. Every day children are explicitly taught and given opportunities to practice key learning skills and understand how they learn best. Through Building Learning Power (BLP), we help children understand what it takes to be a good learner, develop their appetite and ability to learn in different ways, engage teachers and children together in the learning process, and develop their learning skills. 

Building Learning Power has been developed by Professor Guy Claxton.  Through BLP, we aim to build resilience and resourcefulness in all our children, and get them ready for life beyond school, 'not just for a life of tests, but for the tests of life'. 

To support our children to understand these concepts,  we have created superheroes who exemplify good behaviours for learning:





  • Ron Resilience who never gives up
  • Ravi Resourcefulness who knows what will help him
  • Connie Collaboration who works well as part of a team
  • Rosie Reflectiveness who learns from her mistakes

These heroes are introduced to the children in EYFS and developed throughout their school career as they grow and develop into the extraordinary learners we know they can be.